måndag 28 mars 2016

Black river gorges national park

Boka hotellpaket med biljetter, centralt boende och frukost här. Vet inte vad du vill uppleva? Hitta evenemanget som passar dig. Vilken frodig och grönskande ö med fantastiska vyer.

We were hiking on one of the hiking trails in Black river gorge national Park and on the way out we were robbed by men with machete. They came from the bushes and surprised us.

They took everything we had on us. Es hat eine wunderschöne Vegetation. Här finns öns högsta berg och i parken skyddas stora delar av de återstående skogarna i Mauritius.

It is one of the rarest woods in the world. TripAdvisor among 1attractions in Mauritius. Cose da fare a Mauritius. Parchi e natura, Parchi nazionali, Riserve naturali. Black-River-Gorges-Nationalpark ist der größte der drei Nationalparks in Mauritius.

Die anderen sind der Parc national de Bras d’Eau und Islets National Park.

Seine Größe beträgt etwa 5Hektar, was etwa der Fläche der Insel bedeutet. Er ist auf der Tentativliste für UNESCO-Welterbestätten gelistet. Der Nationalpark wurde am 15. La Vanille Nature Park - Mauritius.

It is home to more than 1species of plants and nine species of birds which are found only in Mauritius. Located in the west of the islan this impressive 574-hectare park , or 3. Taxi stands are also available at the airport which takes you to the outskirts of the park. The pretty Plaine Champagne Roa which teems with guava pickers in season, divides some 120km of trails in the more popular western gorges and 50km of trails in the eastern gorges. It is found in the South West of the islan and covers an area of 5hectares of forests including the highest point at Piton de la Rivière Noire (8m). Pflanzenarten sowie neun Vogelspezies, die es nur auf der Insel gibt, könnt ihr hier mit etwas Glück bestaunen.

The park is a great spot for nature lovers. Um den Natur- und Artenschutz im Nationalpark kümmern sich das National Park und Conservation Service des Ministeriums für Agrarwirtschaft und Fischerei und die NGO „Mauritian Wildlife Foundation”. Between deforestation and invasive species, there was once a time when the forests seemed in danger of disappearing. While all of the trailheads are clearly marked along one of the two roads running through the park , many of the paths can quickly get obscured in the brush, leaving hikers confused.

Download the perfect black river gorges national park pictures. Free for commercial use No. They outline broad imperatives that are further broken down into discreet action categories.

Black River Peak, den höchsten Berg von Mauritius. Der Eintritt kostet 2MUR pro Person, wobei die meisten Touris – inklusive uns – nur die beiden Hauptattraktionen ben.

Man könnte auch mehrere Kilometer durch den National Park wandern, aber das ist uns zu anstrengend bei der Hitze. Deshalb geht es auf zum Chamarel Waterfall. They said it was an intermediate level trail an sure, km should be fine!

Lesson learnt: NEVER underestimate “intermediate” Mauritians an no matter what, always go for it. The rewards go way further than words can express or pictures portray.

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