fredag 19 juni 2015

Delete spotify account

A little bit of thiking can sure go a long way! How to Delete Your Spotify Account. This How teaches you how to close permanently your Spotify account. I recently canceled my my premium subscription and would like to permanently delete my Spotify account. As expecte Spotify does not provide ANY help on how to do this.

Delete spotify account

And I can not find an answer in the forums either. Deleting your Spotify account and cancelling your subscription are not the same thing. To cancel your subscription, click “Profile,” then “ Account ,” then “Manage Plan,” and then “Change or Cancel. Before starting with the steps to know how a Spotify account can be deleted , there are some things that you should know.

More on Spotify : How To Set Spotify Songs As Alarm Tones. Things To Consider Before Deleting Spotify Account. Go to the customer service page of Spotify. If you are already logged in, then you will reach “Contact Spotify page. If not, sign in with your account.

Delete spotify account

Since you want to delete your Spotify account then go with Close Account (to your left). Step 5: Finally, you will be asked to give a reason on why you decided to leave Spotify , which helps Spotify understand. Users that want to delete their accounts should get in touch via our contact form. Once you’re done just tap on Send Question. If you receive a message directing you back to the Community, simply just reply again with your message.

If you cancel around your usual billing date, your next payment may have already been taken. If your account page shows a date when your plan will change to Spotify Free, you’ve successfully cancelled and won’t be charged again. If it doesn’t show this, try the cancel steps again making sure you reach the confirmation message.

However, Spotify has been getting competition from other music apps on iOS. If you have found an alternative option to the Spotify , you might want to delete Spotify account as it’s a paid one. And removing your Spotify isn’t even a big task. Just follow these simple steps, and you can do it with ease. Spotify is one of the best music streaming platforms in the market.

Share this guide with anyone who’s looking to close their Spotify account. Yet, if for some reason you are dissatisfied with it, here’s how. There may be some other reasons to delete your account like you have created another account or you are no longer want to use your current account for some reasons. Then just follow our instructions and get your account deleted permanently.

Want to delete your Spotify account ? DeleteAcc provides easy instructions to delete your account on most websites. While Spotify do not object to user accounts being deleted , the process if slow and frustrating. It is particularly frustrating if you only have a free account (like I had). In order to get my account deleted , I was informed to use an online Customer Contact Form, which I used to submit my request.

Spotify is a digital music service that gives you access to millions of songs.

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