måndag 27 april 2015

Life path number 9

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If in a department store, people think they work there. They take care of everyone else but need to learn to speak up when they need help, love, and hugs. People with life path number have to learn how to give without thinking of what they will get back in return.

Numerology life path number has the vibration of service. By criticizing others they can really hurt them deeply. Life Path Number in Career and Business. Life path number represents solid leaderships and amazing problem solving skills. People of life path are very caring, giving and thoughtful.

Life path people love taking care of their zodiac friends and family and even often some great advice in times of trouble. Career Number has the natural ability for leadership, even if they may shy away from it (too much limelight). Their visionary aptitude, decision making skills and overall wisdom make them a fin addition to any job where they can get regular time off for retreats.

THE PATH OF LETTING GO. Its influence makes you versatile and unusual. LIFE PATH : The Humanitarian.

Personal Mission: To Develop Spirituality, Creativity, Philanthropy, Integrity and Wisdom in Every Aspect of Your Life. As a person, you are an old soul and probably somebody that other people regard as protective and safe. As far as your financial matters are concerne you as a life path number have always been lucky enough to have received money through mysterious and unpredicted ways. General Characteristics – Great Compassion and Idealism.

You may get money when your work inspires someone or when you invest money on the right thing at the right time. They come to earth with the mindset of generosity and compassion, they are the humanitarians of the world. Material gains are not important and they possess a giving attitude.

People born with life path number are very loving and compassionate individuals who very well understand people and their respective needs. These individuals strive to make this world a better place to live in. They are broad-minded people who accept people as they are, with all their flaws. All of your time has been occupied by other people lately, so it’s important that the attention is brought back onto yourself in the new year.

Use this opportunity to reflect on your journey up to this point, and how you foresee the future panning out. As a consequence, the number is very adaptable. Their ability to diversify is great and can be a distinct advantage to potential employers.

You have a broad outlook on life. You tend to see the big picture, rather than the minute details. You naturally attract people from all walks of life who can fit into your larger plans and take over the areas you find uninteresting. How to calculate your life path number : Continue adding up all the digits in your birthdate until you get a single digit.

Number is considered by many a sacred number as if you multiply it by any number it reduces back upon itself. Because of this has properties unlike any other number. If you take an unbiased look at yourself you will notice that you too have qualities that belong to no-one else.

It consists of the sum of digits in your birth date. Now, add up the three numbers. Remember that if you reach one of the Master Numbers , either or 2 DO NOT REDUCE THEM.

These numbers have special significances. Subsequently, they stand on their own.

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