Smegma har en mjuk konsistens, en skarp lukt och finns hos alla däggdjur. Smegma contains cathepsin B, lysozymes, chymotrypsin, neutrophil elastase and cytokines, which aid the immune system. According to Wright, little smegma is produced during childhoo although the foreskin may contain sebaceous glands. Smegma also rarely causes serious complications.
If the buildup is not removed or treate the smegma can become quite hard. This may cause the foreskin to stick to the penis, which can become painful. In addition, smegma buildup and hardening can cause irritation, redness, swelling, and inflammation on the penis. Smegma is the thick, white, cheesy substance that collects under the foreskin of the penis. Women can also get smegma in their vaginal area.
If left to build up, smegma can become smelly or lead to an infection. As a result, people should regularly clean the parts of the body where smegma occurs. In this article, we examine how to identify smegma , the best ways to remove it, and how to prevent smegma from developing. Glosbe, online-lexikon, gratis. Bläddra milions ord och fraser på alla språk.

Typ Kanske har som ambition att vara sveriges bästa synonymordbok. Synonymer är ord med liknande betydelser som kan agera utbytesord till varandra. Ett annat ord för smegma är flänsost vilket gör dem till synonymer.
Ords betydelse beror ofta på sammanhanget, så är även fallet med ordet smegma. Getting Smegma Dick Sucked While Playing Fifa. Smegma (gr. σμῆγμα smégma „Seife“) ist eine weiße bis hellgelbe Substanz am Geschlechtsorgan eines Menschen oder Tieres. Das Smegma praeputii des Mannes, auch Vorhauttalg genannt, besteht aus dem Talg der Vorhautdrüsen, gemischt mit dem Zelldetritus des Eichel epithels und Bakterien. Catch the hottest smegma porn and XXX movies by the sexiest amateurs and professional pornstars on XTube.

Check out all of the gay and straight smegma sex videos by the kinkiest community on the web! XTube has millions of videos uploaded by exhibitionists from all over the world! Watch Smegma porn videos for free, here on Pornhub. Discover the growing collection of high quality Most Relevant XXX movies and clips. No other sex tube is more popular and features more Smegma scenes than Pornhub!
Browse through our impressive selection of porn videos in HD quality on any device you own. XVIDEOS smegma videos, free. Smegma is caused by shredded skin cells, largely dead epithelial cells, mixing with skin oil secretions, such as sweat and naturally-produced lubricants. Smegma is a substance made up of oil and dead skin cells which can accumulate under the foreskin in uncircumcised males, or even around the folds of the labia in females. Learn how to get rid of smegma buildup in males and females.
Smegma usually builds up behind the inner end of the glans (just behind the bell-shaped tissue known as the corona). Smegma (Greek smēgma, soap) is a combination of exfoliated (shed) epithelial cells, transudated skin oils, and moisture. It occurs in both male and female genitalia. In males, smegma helps keep the glans moist and facilitates sexual intercourse by acting as a lubricant. Jag är tjej, så jag vet inte om det heter smegma för oss också.
Men jag får väldigt fort nån vitt gegga vid dom inre blygdläpparna (tror jag det är iaf). Le smegma humain Femme. Det är i sig helt normalt att ha smegma.
Smegma är en blandning av fett (som kommer ur talgkörtlarna) och döda hudceller som lossnat från kroppen. Smegman är inte farlig och inte ett tecken på sjukdom, men fungerar också lite som en påminnelse om att man skall sköta sin intimhygien. Tvätta ditt underliv med vatten varje dag.
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