onsdag 13 december 2017

Svalbard turism

Cruise Through The Ice. Month by Month Wildlife Guide! Catch Sight of Mighty Polar Bears.

Please remember, if you are bitten by the Polar bug, it’s harmless even though it will remain in your body for a long time! På sommaren är det ofta dimmigt. Kolla in väderprognosen hos yr.

It is important that all visitors are informed of safety regulations and how to act. Det forskas inom bland annat miljöövervakning, klimat, ekosystem, meteorologi, glaciologi, arkeologi och geologi. Samtidig føler vi klimatrusselen og dens endringer tett på kroppen her i Arktis, og vi er bekymret for fremtiden.

Livet i Longyearbyen kan oppleves som både annerledes og kanskje ekstremt – men for oss som bor her kan vi knapt tenke oss noe annet. Here, you will find untouched arctic wilderness and unique wildlife. Planera semestern till Norge.

Inspireras och få tips om boende och vart du ska åka om du vill åka skidor, uppleva fjordarna, vandra eller se norrskenet. It is around three hours by plane from Oslo and 6miles from the North Pole, making it one of the most remote human settlements on Earth.

The same year, mining gave a revenue of 2. NOK 3million and research 1million. Medlemskap krävs inte. Alkohol säljs till lägre priser än i fastlands-Norge i butiken Nordpolet.

Fyra arter utgör procent av fågellivet: Spetsbergsgrisslan, stormfågeln, alkekungen och den tretåiga måsen. Det handlar om att säkerställa meningsfulla, ansvarsfulla upplevelser för resenärerna och öka deras medvetenhet om hållbarhetsfrågor. Hållbar turism är en kvalitetsstämpel som förhöjer reseupplevelsen.

How to Visit Chernobyl - Duration: 9:33. TravelWildEX Recommended for you. Today that figure is nearly twice as high. Plan your holiday in Norway with free guides and videos. Learn about fjords, northern lights, midnight sun, where to stay, walking, fishing and more.

GRAND CANYON TOUR - Skywalk, Guano Point, Hoover Dam, Helicopter and Boat Trip 4K - Duration: 13:08. This local taxi company offers informative guided tours twice daily of Longyearbyen (275kr per person), which take in the Global Seed Vault, Adventdalen coal mine and Longyearbyen church, among other sights. Today she is splitting her time between the PolarQuest office, the Arctic and the Antarctic and feels very lucky to be able to work and spend time in these pristine areas. Foton Redaktionell Illustrationer Videor Ljud Gratis Bilder.

Bli medlem GRATIS eller. Svalbard turism fotografering för bildbyråer.

Our goal is to fulfill your dreams of taking stunning images of rare Arctic wildlife in its natural habitats. This wondrous archipelago is a land of dramatic snow-drowned peaks and glaciers, of vast ice fields and forbidding icebergs, an elemental place where the seemingly endless Arctic night and the perpetual sunlight of summer carry a deeper kind of magic. Under eftermiddagen går vi ombord på vårt bekväma expeditionsfartyg och seglar ut ur Isfjorden. Join us for an adventure-filled day in the beautiful Arctic nature!

Check out our activities! Depending on season, try out snowmobiling, dogsledding, boat trips.

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